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A2B helps guide your organisation and leaders through change & growth, providing leadership coaching, training and advisory services.


Getting from A to B requires a curious mind, a listening ear and a pinch of courage.


Here are some examples...

  • You are a business undertaking a major transformation of systems and processes ; a seasoned & independent expert can guide you through

  • Your business is expanding globally; you need guidance to scope services and select  providers suited to your needs

  • You are a senior leader navigating change ; 1-2-1 coaching from a seasoned business leader to helps to drive personal and business growth

  • You are a professional or retiree at a turning point in your life needing independent guidance to establish a clarity of purpose and build healthy lifestyle habits.


What is a global mindset?


In the literal sense, fostering a 'global mindset' builds awareness of other cultures - in other words, the unwritten rules that guide societies. This helps us interact with other cultures - expats, international managers as well as our local international colleagues. Even within our own culture individual preferences exist, such as how directly we communicate or how we perceive hierarchy. A global mindset will add another dimension to your toolbox.


In the figurative sense, it encourages us to think big, to remove our self-imposed limitations, to find solutions through exploration and with an open mind. Viewing your business strategy and leadership style with this global mindset, is more fun and collaborative; it also produces more ideas and faster solutions. 




Jack in Rendlesham Forest


A personal introduction


Since 2019 I have hung up my corporate hat and resumed my previous advisory practice, helping people and organisations navigate growth & change.


My own life has included many such moments of change, including career changes, a divorce, a near-fatal accident and 19 international moves. Each one has reinforced my view that change is enriching, it teaches us about ourselves and proves that we are capable of much more than we usually believe. Yet we rarely seek out change.  My job is to provide a framework and independent expertise to navigate the way forward.


Promoting a global outlook in individuals and organisations is my mission. I believe this promotes the healthy growth of global organisations and, as importantly, it benefits our daily human interactions. Leading and nurturing a diverse team was a rewarding journey; learning flows in both directions.


Over the years colleagues, friends and family began asking me for help with their own challenges. This motivated me to embed coaching within my business advisory practice. 


In my spare time I enjoy reading, walking with my dog, and learning new skills from pivot tables to bread-making!

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