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Guiding organisations and leaders through change

A facilitated and guided framework to refresh your brand, strategy and vision.

Services for businesses and individuals using proven frameworks,including:

 the WHY, the WHAT and the HOW

GROW - Goal-setting; Reality-checking; Options; Will 

6-Thinking Hats


Your business is in need of a boost or refresh. Do any of the following sound familiar?

  • You sense that your business needs a change of direction but are not sure where to begin

  • You have a successful global business but certain regions are under performing – you may know why but struggle to fix it

  • Your business has acquired a new team or business – your strategies need to be refreshed and launched

  • Your business is in need of an interim General manager to navigate and manage a transition - upscaling; downsizing; opening/closing an office



seeking mentorship and coaching during their careers

There are moments in a person's lifetime  when a 'reset' is necessary. Our worlds change and simply going with the flow rarely gets you where you wish to be. I will provide the framework and guidance to stretch your boundaries and find a meaningful way forward. Moments of transition can happen any time, such as:

  • career change

  • promotion

  • redundancy

  • life-changing event

  • foreign assignment 

At Home


Pro-bono mentoring and coaching for leaders in transition

I have been fortunate in my career and life to have had some mentors and role models who challenged me and gave me the courage to make some important life decisions. For this I am forever grateful and I now wish to do the same for others. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic change is in the air; not always voluntary. It happens to be a time of reflection, when many of us reassess our life values & ambitions. This can only be a good thing.

I am committed to engaging on a coaching journey with a number of people in my network. Please contact me if you are interested.

“Let us find some comfort in the knowledge that we are preceded by centuries of human endurance, those travelers who remind us that every journey, no matter how difficult, ends with our finding our way back.”

Henry David Thoreau



The framework: WHY, WHAT and HOW

A2B provides a facilitated and guided transition framework and coaching to refresh your global or personal brand. It starts with challenging your strategy and ends with a tangible plan to execute. The framework comprises 3 stages:

Glasses and Music Sheet
Chalkboard with Different Languages


A facilitated deep dive to challenge your internal perspective & gather data

  • Audit, 360 feedback

  • Market analysis & sizing

  • Customer needs & perceptions


Too often we limit our ideas - this phase is about thinking big; unleashing our creativity  and boldly imagine our future

  • Define parallel pathways

  • Align and refine strategy to markets

  • Outline operational and resource needs


The power of language - language - clearly articulating your vision and pathway

  •  targeted marketing

  •  clear communications

  •  Training your team to ‘think like a business owner’

  • Leadership coaching

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